Fun for learning

We Are Machina designs immersive educational content within astonishing adventures that are experienced through virtual reality technology.

Whether it's a journey inside the human body or the exploration of our universe, We Are Machina delivers tons of fun while learning and interacting with the virtual world meticulously crafted for each experience.

Now featuring historical characters driven by the most powerful Artificial Intelligence.

VR kit

Virtual Reality

Physical Multiuser

Dive into the Future of Education with We Are Machina:

Your Gateway to Educational Virtual Worlds.

In a world where education is constantly evolving, at We Are Machina, we are committed to democratizing educational innovation through technology, offering widespread access to educational virtual reality experiences that transcend the boundaries of convention.

Our focus is on supporting educators by providing tools that transform the way knowledge is experienced, shared, and acquired within captivating virtual worlds.

Our Educational

Mission in Virtual Reality

At We Are Machina, our mission is clear: To revolutionize education by bringing the magic of virtual reality to classrooms and beyond.

Our virtual reality products are not just experiences; they are learning opportunities that enable students to immerse themselves in complex subjects in an engaging and enjoyable way.

Forging the New Era of Knowledge

We believe in the power of virtual reality as a language for transmitting knowledge in the new educational era. The We Are Machina VR Kit not only provides a window to unexplored worlds but also fosters collaboration, idea exchange, and hands-on learning.

We are committed to being part of the journey toward a more immersive and effective approach to learning and teaching.

New Narratives | New Experiences | New Realities

A New Education